Friday, April 5, 2013

Holy Hour Introductions

So they say the introductions touched many. Never expected that. Really. When I made those introductions, the Holy Spirit just worked its magic. Truth be told, each time I got a text message that an intro is needed, I cringed. I never found it easy to construct such sentences, thoughts, and messages that I never knew could shake people's hearts. It is only when I knew about it that I realized my purpose and importance as a Campus Chapel Aide in XU, and as God's instrument. To You my Savior, I offer my talents, capabilities, and service. AMDG ++

Thank you too, internet and Google, priests, preachers, pastors, and spiritual bloggers who posted messages online, Bible, songwriters esp Jesuit Music, and my CCA formators, for inspiration sources. ;) To the formation committee this year, esp to my assistant Chris Baylin, thank you for your BIIIIIIG and LOOONG understanding and patience :D I know I was a pain in the, er, head. hihi You are all amazing. :)

**I will post the intros of the other months in the succeeding blog entries.

July Holy Hour-- "God's Calling"

Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

 Many are chosen and called but only few answers.

Can you recall when and how you have experienced God’s calls in your life? Have you ever contemplated on how many times you must have answered, or rejected, those calls?

God knocks on our lives so many times in a day, but more often than not, for countless excuses, we are unable to let Him in. He has given us, first and foremost, the most precious gift of life, and then, all that we have here on this earth. All these came from His hands. We are called to serve because we ought to be the stewards of all His creations. He wants His people to enjoy His gifts in the most beautiful way but man has created various unnecessary worldly desires that have led astray people from hearing and doing God’s pleas. We become so engulfed in the everyday hustle and bustles of our lives that we forget to take time to pause, deepen, and internalize the very essence of all that we do, whether it is for our own selfish selves or for His greater glory. To be aware of God’s presence is most important so that we may be inspired to listen to His mission for us and be motivated to put Him, and not our own pleasures, at the center of our being. God calls each one of us, not solely to become priests and nuns, but to carry out His Good Will in every little thing that we do; that we might learn to follow Him through giving selfless service to our brothers and sisters especially those who are in dire need. Because in being a servant, we are able to fulfill the ultimate goal of His calling—we become His children.
Brothers and sisters in the Lord, may this night help us to reflect and realize that we are to answer God’s call in the simplest ways that we can. And may this night be full of dedication to being His humble and faithful children.

Tonight’s presider is Fr. _____________________, of the Society of Jesus.**I will post the intros of the other months in the succeeding blog entries. ;) God bless!

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